The Freedom Path
I’ve set up a membership area with resources for any Infusionsoft customer. If you’re not yet a member, sign up on the members page.
As a Freedom Path member you’ll get access to videos, tools, free Infusionsoft add-ons, and other resources I’m developing to help you get the most out of Infusionsoft. You’ll also be on The Freedom Path email list – which means you’ll get emails from me about once per week (unless you’ve signed up for a video series or other education series). In these emails I’ll share with you critical insights to growing your business, marketing effectively, and leveraging Infusionsoft in the most powerful ways. Sign up for a Freedom Path membership here.
Elite Customers
Infusionsoft customers who are already doing $2MM in annual sales and want to grow will be interested in private Infusionsoft consulting, group coaching, or my exclusive events.