The Entrepreneur’s Freedom Formula
I’ll be hosting an exclusive event in Scottsdale following InfusionCon. During this even I will teach you The Entrepreneur’s Freedom Formula – the step-by-step, repeatable process to take your business to $10MM and beyond. At Infusionsoft I used this formula to grow our lead generation from 300 leads per month to 25,000 leads per month. During that time Infusionsoft grew from $5MM annual revenues to $26MM annual revenues.
I’ve also used the Entrepreneur’s Freedom Formula to help hundreds of Infusionsoft customers exceed their own expectations in their businesses. I even used parts of this formula recently to help Frank Kern bring in over $176,000.00 with an automated campaign that ran while he was on vacation in Italy, without access to a computer.
This event will be followed by 3 MONTHS of private and group consulting for all attendees. I don’t believe in holding events just to teach. I will personally hold your hand for 3 months following the event to ENSURE success.
Details coming very soon. Fill out the form below to get the event details once they’re released.